Dear Pastor
Dear Pastor,
You are amazing! Always. But I am having a rethink about leadership as the “silver bullet” to our protracted problem in Nigeria. It recently dawned on me that Nigeria has never lacked effective leaders. For example., the dynamics of the recent national elections nailed it for me. Arguably, the current and well respected Nigerian president might not have the qualities many desire in a “great” leader, but the almost fanatical convictions that he is “the one” by some close friends, family and associates is a proof that he has real influence. Even the unsavoury aftermath cumulating from policies that many consider unfavorable has only attracted sympathy and apologies from his sphere of influence (E lo fo kan bale), rather than blame and condemnation. If leadership is influence, he definitely has it, in no small measure.
But in reality (also arguably), Nigeria people are now suffering at a scale that dips them completely beyond the elitist horizon like never before, so much so that it does not even matter anymore, aftercall, who is seeing them?
I think sacrificial love is stronger than leadership. The bible calls it charity. It speaks for the needy, while speaking peace and strength to the same. It selflessly helps and defends the defeated, with care and attention without seeking undue recognition, gaining attention or promoting a private or public course. It is never after material gain at the expense of the downtrodden. It understands that in its transient fashion, life’s comfort are an unnecessary luxury compared to the need to respond to every request or cry for help or succor, without the pretext of, or justification for preserving a non-existent “next generation”.
It is now obvious that we need great Nigerians ready to provide sacrificial love. Leadership is now ubiquitous, perhaps, a facade for more oppression.
Dear Pastor, I am still a loving fan.