Eternity via Technology?

Eternity has many definitions. One of it, the ability of a mortal being to live forever, i.e. gain immortality. Living forever is such an exciting possibility considering the present stretches of Molecular Biosciences, Genetic Engineering and Bio-Technology.
In contrast however, spiritual rebirth, consciousness and capabilities via Jesus Christ is significantly more effective than the power of the coming sixth generation telecommunication standard (6G) that will promise eternal life via DNA reconstruction and direct cell re-engineering , teleporting and time travel. Jesus gives peace that knows no bound and the world won't get that from Immortia (fictional representation of the technology based eternity system).
Turning the entire human race into the next IDEs and Workspaces for assorted programming paradigms will achieve incredible feats never once imagined, but it will create a generation of inhumane and soulless species that will eventually self-destruct. Even if the new systems engineer the Marvel Comic clones, they will create a divide that will birth an era of distrust and chaos in the entire universe.
Having super powers will be fun. But some of us already have them. We got it simply by giving our lives to Jesus Christ. Jesus demonstrated that a long time ago. Jesus Walked on Water (Matthew 14:22–36; Mark 6:45–56; John 6:16–24), Teleported (John 6: 21) and raised dead people (Luke 8:40–56; 7:11–17; John 11:17–44).
In a technologically savvy and highly sensitized world, frivolous religious misrepresentations of God to the world has left a lot of people fending for themselves with science, entertainment, psychology and sports. But Jesus still speaks through certain people to reach a dying world. Yes, the world as we all know it is dying and really needs the “cleansing”. But God promised that cleansing and renewal anyway in the book of Revelations 21.
For the godless, Humanism is next great choice. Ultimately, Humanity will achieve its supreme goal, “eternity”, but not without serious consequences. Humanism will make humans ignore and miss out on the wisdom of a termed life, terminated by death. The Almighty God created death to “give man a break”, especially those who would make The Choice before death.
And a time will come when some will seek that break (death), because of impending horror and misery, all consequences of 6G, Immortia, Virtual Dreams and soul hacking. But they wont find it. Men, like vampires or zombies, will “live forever” in world characterized by hatred, wickedness, filthiness, pride and greed. “During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them.” Revelation 9:6.
So, this is not some “religious bullshit”. It is a story that started a long time ago. A story that is about to come to an end. Jesus died, and rose again to defeat the greatest fear, death. If you can give your life to Jesus, you WILL have eternal life. If you are out there reading this, please know that You can make a choice for Jesus now. That is The Choice.